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Who We Are:

We address a fundamental need of people...


"One of the basic needs of all those people feeling disadvantaged, vulnerable or afraid of change is the need for information and advice provided in a clear, concrete, comprehensive manner, free of charge and by a reliable agent that is not attached to the main source of change (be it government, political party or more informal influential group) and distant from the power holding body."

Our aims are:

To promote throughout the world the provision, by independent non-government bodies, of free impartial and confidentual advice and information to the public about their rights;


To represent the interests of its members with all supranational bodies, including the European Union and other international institutions;


Provide a platform and mechanisms for information exchange, co-operation and joint projects among citizens advice associations.

Message from the chair

It has been a great honor to have been elected as chair of Citizens Advice International (CAI) at a time when the services of CAI are growing steadily thereby spreading its benefits workdwide.


is a non-profit

non-governmental international organisation representing interests of free advice giving associations throuout the world.


Our mission is to support independent providers of free impartial and confidential advice and information to the public about their rights and thus to contribute to advancement if the civil society.

Citizens Advice International

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© 2019 Michael Recagno Citizens Advice Bureau

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